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Individual help in every situation – Welcome to K+X in Hameln

About Us

What does K+X mean?

K = Client

K stands for the client for whom we offer our help

X = Individual

X symbolizes the support we provide. This is different for each person and is individually adapted to each situation of the person seeking help.

K + X

The focus of our work is always on the person seeking help in their individual life situation. All of our help is based on the actual need for help and the resulting content and goals.

overall management

Sylwia Geier

Managing Director / General Manager

graduate social worker
systemic family counselor

child protection professional

Phone: 0172 5889375

Fax: 05151 784225


Foto Sylwia Geier

"...Helping one person may not change the whole world, but it can change the world for that one person..."

Our management team


Since 2003, the K+X Gesellschaft für soziale Arbeit mbH has developed from a small association of four independent employees. Over the years, we have continuously expanded our range of services in order to be able to respond even better to the individual needs of our clients.

Today we have a total of over forty employees and we provide ongoing care for children, young people and adults in all walks of life.

We offer:

  • Social-educational family support / migration family support (also in the mother tongue)

  • parenting support

  • Outpatient assisted living (also in the native language)

  • supervised visits

  • women's groups

  • special education-therapeutic day group

  • Outpatient early intervention

  • therapeutic educational group offer

  • Outpatient family clearing

  • psychomotor group

  • ABW Animal Welfare Dogs as Everyday Helpers

  • Offers for self-payers

  • therapeutic family support

As a recognized provider of child, youth and integration assistance, we offer a professionally and conceptually coordinated range of services. Our goal is to offer both outpatient and day-care assistance from a single source, tailored to the needs of each individual.

Foto Einrichtung

Our motto

"We pick everyone up where they are!"

cooperation partners


Logo Coaching
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Logo Academy Kita
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K+X supports several aid projects:
Logo Together Mindful
Logo Hospiz Verein Hameln.jpg
Logo Network Child Protection
Logo Children's Cancer Foundation
Logo Hospiz Verein
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