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Foto Hand hält Hundepfote

Outpatient assisted living with animal protection dogs as everyday helpers

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Our offer of outpatient assisted living with a dog is aimed at people whose participation in social life is severely restricted due to special living circumstances and social difficulties, such as social isolation.

Who is the help for?

This support service supports people whose participation in society is impaired by long-term mental, intellectual or physical illnesses. Our approach combines help with social difficulties with the integration of a dog as a social partner. Clients should be willing to take in a dog from the animal shelter and take part in joint training sessions.

How do we help?

Our social education staff at K+X accompany and support clients through various measures, including:

  • Coping with everyday life: Support in coping with everyday problems and promoting an independent lifestyle.

  • Counseling: Action-oriented advice on professional issues and in developing a life and future perspective.

  • Crisis management: Help in dealing with conflicts and crises.

  • Material security: support in securing the material basis of life.

  • Administrative matters: Help in dealing with offices and institutions.

  • Relationship skills: Promoting social skills and relationship skills.

In close cooperation with the certified dog trainer and veterinarian Astrid Galka, a suitable dog is selected and trained in joint training sessions in order to form a harmonious team of client and dog.

What is the aim of the help?

The aim of our help is to provide people with mental illnesses and social problems with a reliable social partner who:

  • Support in everyday life

  • Overcoming social isolation

  • A meaningful task in life gives

  • In dealing with trauma,

  • Promotes physical and mental health

  • Participation in society enables

At the same time, as part of animal protection, a dog from the animal shelter is given a new home, with this process being professionally supervised.

Our mission is to normalize, integrate and achieve the greatest possible independence for our clients.

How do I get help?

Outpatient assisted living with a dog is a service under the Social Code (Section 53 SGB XII in conjunction with Section 2 SGB IX and the regulation under Section 60 SGB XII and Section 67/68 SGB XII) and can be applied for as integration assistance at the responsible integration office (Office for Youth and Inclusion).

Anfrage Ambulant betreutes Wohnen Tierschutzhelfer

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