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K plus X Society for Social Work mbH

Interview Radio AktivMitten im Leben mit Jonas Großkurth
00:00 / 37:25

Help for families, children and young people, as well as disabled and sick people – Welcome to K+X in Hameln

Our mission statement

The focus of our work is comprehensive support and help for families, children, young people and adults in their individual life situations.

Each assistance is precisely tailored to the actual needs in order to develop customized content and goals that really help our clients.

Our work is based on the principles of systemic thinking and a resource-oriented, solution- and goal-oriented approach. This approach enables us to effectively support clients not only in crisis situations, but also in long-term challenges.

Active participation in the design of aid

We offer those seeking help the opportunity to actively participate in shaping their care. We place particular emphasis on individual abilities, ideas and wishes in order to make the best use of existing strengths and achieve positive changes.

We work according to the principle: "Not against the error, but for what is missing." (Paul Moor)

This principle reflects our commitment to providing people with the support they need to sustainably improve their quality of life.

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