Support for Children – Special Education-Therapeutic Day Group
The remedial educational-therapeutic day group offers a semi-inpatient day group for children aged 6 to 14 years. The aim is, together with the family and the social environment, to reduce educational difficulties and behavioral problems in children, to compensate for developmental and educational deficits, to strengthen resources and to develop new perspectives for action.

Our basic principle is
“As much freedom of decision and action as individually possible – as many limits and rules as necessary.”
Who is the help for?
Our therapeutic day group is aimed at school children aged 6 to 14 (admission age 6 to 12) with problems in social-emotional (psychosocial) development and their guardians from the Hameln-Pyrmont district. The family reference system and the wider social environment are intensively involved in the work.
You can contact us if:
Your child has difficulties in interacting with other children and adults.
Your child has behavioral problems at school (e.g. ADHD) and is at risk of being sent to a special school.
Challenges arise with your child that are accompanied by performance deficits and other learning difficulties.
Living together is strained by problems between the child and the family system.
Help and support is needed in overcoming educational and developmental difficulties.
Your child shows social-emotional behavioral problems.
How do we help?
Our day group covers the following areas:
Promoting the child in the group:
shared lunch
Individual homework support and supervision
small and whole group support
Special education or social education individual treatment
Marburg concentration training
Psychomotor individual or group offers
experiential educational offerings
Special Education Diagnostics and Assessment of Needs for Help
Promoting the family:
Parenting advice on site or in the home environment
observation in the home environment
Joint School Discussions
cooperation with schools and other psychosocial institutions
Networking with other aid organizations or institutions
Support at school:
internship and consultation
expert discussions and intervision
How do I get help?
The therapeutic day group is a part-time youth welfare service according to §32 SGB VIII and is part of the “Help with Education” program. The service is supplemented by §35a of the integration assistance for mentally disabled children and young people. Places are allocated upon application through the Youth Welfare Office (in the district of Hameln Pyrmont, the Office for Youth and Inclusion).