Training, further education and certifications from K+X in Hameln
"Learning is like rowing against the current. As soon as you stop, you drift back." Benjamin Britten
training courses 2025
Dealing with mentally ill people
“Low Arousal”
Play therapist/play educator
training courses 2024
driving license for managers
Challenging behavior
Nonviolent Communication
Further training to become a certified language development expert
First Aid Training in Educational and Care Facilities for Children
Signs - supported communication - GUK, advanced course with certificate examination
Signs - Supported Communication - GUK and UK in Early Intervention
specialist conference of the Social Psychiatric Association
Basic knowledge of child protection for those bound by professional secrecy
Security in conflict discussions with parents
Mental Disorders in Infants and Toddlers
Autism in Early Intervention
Systemic Coach for Children and Adolescents
specialist in daycare and after-school care management
specialist in early childhood development counseling
From colleague to manager
training courses 2023
Experienced professional / child protection specialist according to SGB VIII and KKG
development talks
Child Protection in Independent Youth Welfare
personnel development discussions
Child Poverty Conference: "Anchoring poverty prevention at the local level?"
Suicidal Crises in Children and Adolescents
Thinking about the Rainbow - Queer Parenting
Involvement of children, young people and parents in service provision and assistance planning
Pitfalls and obstacles in the development and implementation of a child protection concept
experiential educator
development of individual emergency plans
Marte Meo therapy
How to deal with data protection breaches
Risk Compensation in Child and Youth Welfare
Development of protection concepts against violence against children and young people
Domestic violence as a form of psychological violence against children: contact, parental care and endangerment of the child's well-being
Whistleblower Protection Act
Conducting parent-teacher interviews competently
children's relaxation trainer
confidentiality and social data protection
Autism communication: what is possible? Questions, queries, exchange
specialist in early childhood development counseling
ICF in psychomotor skills - Finding and formulating ICF-based support goals
training courses 2022
Small but nice - tips and knowledge for the support and care of children under 3 years
Invisible Bruises-Emotional Violence and Neglect
Psychological emergency kit for everyday educational life
ICF in psychomotor skills - Finding and formulating ICF-based support goals
Recognizing and understanding child endangerment
Special education small group offers - From individual support to group offers for the acquisition of social play skills
Recognizing and dealing with sexual violence against children and young people
training as a Marte Meo therapist
participation and child protection concepts
Recognizing and understanding child endangerment
Trauma, escape, crisis Lovingly accompanying traumatized daycare children
Suicidal Crises in Children and Adolescents
Collegial expert advice - seminar on joint qualification in specialist teams
How, why, what for? Nothing is more practical than psychomotor theory
dream and trauma-related disorders
Caught in the maelstrom of emotions - conflict management
Social media strategies for more visibility and branding
Custody and visitation arrangements after domestic violence – what is good for children?
Joy of play and life in young children with complex support needs
Mental illnesses in childhood and adolescence - perceiving and understanding
First aid course
Together! Online conference of the day groups
Social psychiatric specialist working with families
Everyday Fears in Children Aged 6-11
training courses 2021
Dealing with Suspicion of Child Endangerment
Protection and Help in Domestic Violence
Child protection concepts in educational institutions - Do we need something like this?
systemic coach
Protection mandate as a common task - finding access, establishing relationships, developing structures
This concerns us all! Recognize poverty among children and young people and act together
Sexualized Violence against Children and Adolescents: Recognizing and Acting
Fundamentals of Experiential Education
Sexual education in crèches, day care centres, child day care and after-school care: From dealing with taboos and false knowledge to developing a sexual education attitude
Don't be so stubborn! Behavioral peculiarities due to perception disorders
Special Education Works in Management Functions - Coaching for Executives
Doctor game or boundary violation? Pedagogical approach to sexual assault among children
Reacting safely when children report sexual violence
communication and conflict resolution
training courses 2020
trauma education
Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety
Early childhood education digital?!
Psychomotor support for children up to 6 years
Experienced professional
Psychomotor support for children up to 6 years
Therapeutic trauma work - trauma-related disorders in connection
therapeutic trauma work
Introduction to the ICF-CY
Data protection in special education practices
adventure educator in the traditional high ropes course
First aid course
Traumatized children and adolescents as a special challenge in education
I can do it! Finding solutions with children in a playful and practical way
Intensive seminar: Migration and culturally sensitive work in child protection
Educational Support Data Protection - Social Data Protection
eventful childhood
Therapeutic Trauma Work - Basics of Tramatology in Children
training courses 2019
Attachment and Attachment Disorders
specialist in animal-assisted intervention
First aid course
Don't drown in stress
Systemic Coach for Refugees
Solution-Focused Communication
The role of social actors in the self-determined participation of disabled people
Mindful Together - the MHH Child Protection Clinic in Dialogue with Medicine, Law and Pedagogy
Youth Welfare Meets Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Case Workshop
Effective leadership of employees, teams and project groups
training courses 2018
specialist for elementary language support
The Federal Participation Act and its Impact on Child and Youth Welfare
Child protection specialist/experienced specialist
Remain assured - when aid threatens to fail
Psychomotor skills in special education
I can do it! Finding solutions with children in a playful and practical way
I've never seen you like this before! Changing perspectives as an opportunity in working with children and young people
basic seminar for safety officers
data protection officer
First Aid for Dogs and Cats
stuff to play with made by yourself
Basic Seminar on Experiential Education
Advanced seminar on HPÜ - Play and Language of the Child
training courses 2017
Practice makes perfect: Language education for multilingual children in daycare
Addiction or lifestyle? Online games on the computer, console or mobile phone
Marte Meo Masterclass
Systemic Coach for Children and Adolescents
Multilingualism from a speech therapy perspective
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism - Developing Individual Concepts
training courses 2016
The Art of Professional Counseling for Mentally Ill People
Speech Therapy in the Context of Early Intervention
First aid course
The Challenge of Diversity - Special Education in Social Change
Arabic Introduction
special education diagnostics
Suicide- Approaches to Possibilities for Understanding
Introduction to systemic work with families and individuals
Suicide- Approaches to Possibilities for Understanding
Mental illnesses against the background of severe stressful life events
Confident? Clear! Feminine! Communicate authentically with confidence
Autism Conference
training courses in 2015
therapy dog team
From colleague to manager
Integral Trauma Counselor
Marte Meo Therapist
Counseling skills in the geriatric psychiatric field
training courses in 2014
Difficult client conversations or conversations that challenge
Mental Illness and Parenting Competence
Working with children under three years of age