Our team
Strong Together
Our Team – Strong Together
Our employees are the heart of K+X Gesellschaft für soziale Arbeit mbH. With their commitment, competence and passion, they make the difference in our work with children, young people and families. We attach great importance to appreciative cooperation and are proud of the diversity and strength of our team. Each individual contributes their expertise to realizing our vision of a supportive and inclusive society. Get to know our team members and their areas of responsibility here.

Grigori Fouksa
"Time is bad? You are here to make it better"

Claudia Fricke
"If you play enough when you are little, you will carry treasures with you that you can draw on for the rest of your life" Astrid Lindgren

Emilia Gart
"A drop of love is worth more than an ocean of understanding." Blaise Pascal

Julia Geier
"If you always try to be normal, you will never know how special you can be" Maya Angelou

Robert Geier
"...just do it!"

Sylwia Geier
Managing Director, General Management
"Helping one person may not change the whole world, but it can change the world for that one person"

Jaqueline Golüke
"Consider all difficulties as opportunities to create something new, to learn and to grow from the creative way you respond" Virginia Satire

Nurdane Gürek
"Sometimes you find yourself in the distance" Author unknown

Sandy Hähne
"The head is round so that thought can change direction" Francis Picabia

Jonas Hüwe
"Don't compensate for the problem, but activate development"

Irina Ketler
"If a kite wants to fly, it must fly against the wind" Chinese proverb

Sophie Krieger
"Paths are created by walking them" Franz Krafka

Anja Kuhles
"It takes a whole village to raise a child" African proverb

Sinja Mogalle
.If you do what you are, you will love what you do."
Connor Müller
"Play is the highest form of research" Albert Einstein

Biggi Neugebauer

Hatice Ortac
“Life is the sum of all our choices.” Albert Camus

Katarzyna Pacak
"Everything will be fine in the end. And if it is not fine, it is not the end" Oscar Wilde

Mandy Pfister
"Help me to do it myself." Maria Montessori

Irina Pirogova
"In order for the possible to come into being, the impossible must be attempted again and again" Hermann Hesse

Viktoriia Protsenko
"Treat others as you would like to be treated by them"

Walentina Reiff
"You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you see it for the first time." Christian Morgenstern
Nicole Rodewald
Head of Early Childhood Education
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain" Author unknown
Tiana Rodewald
“Life is not about having good cards, but about playing well with a bad hand”
Hubert Rudat

Amira Siala
"Work on your mind so you can live your life instead of waiting for it"

Susann Schramm
"People who think something is impossible should never interfere with others who are doing it" George Bernard Shaw

Nadine Schulz
"Don't think so often about what you lack, but about what you have" Marcus Aurelius

Stephanie Steckel
"The power lies in the desire to change something" Author unknown

Laura Sternbeck
"One must not forget to see the world through the eyes of a child" Henri Matisse

Lola Stolle
"In order for the possible to come into being, the impossible must be attempted again and again"
Hermann Hesse

Corinna Vielhaus
maternity leave
"There is no age at which everything is experienced as intensely as in childhood. We adults should remember what it was like." Astrid Lindgren

Iwona Wanat
"He who fights can lose, he who does not fight has already lost" Bertold Brecht

Büsra Yilmaz
"Just be patient; in time grass turns into milk" Author unknown

"Dogs are like angels – only with four legs and lots of fur" Author unknown