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child development assessment

Targeted developmental assessment with standardized testing procedures for children aged 4 - 6 years

child development assessment

Using a standardized test procedure, we assess your child's skills between the ages of 4 and 6 in the developmental areas of fine and gross motor skills, coordination and balance, pronunciation and language comprehension, auditory and visual memory, spatial thinking and attention.

Who is the development review suitable for?

This offer is suitable for you if

  • You are concerned about the age-appropriate development of your child,

  • Your child shows abnormalities in certain developmental areas,

  • You are unsure whether your child is already “school-ready”,

  • You would like support in making decisions regarding flexible school entry (so-called “flexi” children).

How do we help?

The test is carried out by a qualified specialist on the premises at K+X. The duration of the test varies between 30 - 60 minutes. The test can be evaluated by the specialist afterwards so that the results can be discussed directly. Of course, this is also possible in a separate appointment. In addition to the test documents, you will receive a written version of the test on request.

If you wish, we can meet again to work out ideas and possibilities for supporting your child.

IMPORTANT: The results of this test do NOT represent a medical diagnosis, but rather an educational developmental assessment.

This is an offer that is privately financed by you.

Anfrage Kinder-Entwicklungsüberprüfung

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